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Books that are either published or will be published authored by Dr. Len Bergantino as these books were written as the thing-in itself and were divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to at the very least give men and women an opportunity to be more fully themselves and more in touch with their own nature. It is strongly recommended that the readers develop their level of attention to read all four books and permit them to become part parcel of how each individual answers the question “TO BE OR NOT TO BE”. As The Reverend Dr. Len Bergantino is seventy five years old, he will not be around personally to do psychoanalysis or psychotherapy with you, therefore these books were written on the basis of them being around for at least TWO HUNDRED YEARS!!!


    1. I AM FREUD! Psychoanalysis Is the Only Method of Cure: It’s Too Bad No One Knows How to Do One!!!
    2. Reverse Analysis, the Existential Shift, Gestalt Family Therapy and the Prevention of the Next Holocaust
    3. The Art of Psychotherapy and the Liberation of the Therapist
    4. The Essence of Music
    5. When Baseball was King The New York Yankees were King of Baseball
    6. Germans – Jews – Holocausts and the Collective Unconscious
    7. Political Psychology Invasions
    8. The Sanctimonious Psychoproctological Invasions: The Handbook for Political Analysis
    9. The Denial of Reverse Racism in America
    10. The Greatest Basketball Player I Ever Saw




Letter from Pope Francis


Dr. Len Bergantino, Ed.D., Ph.D.